Pack the Application

The information of the application package for TIYcam can be found in file system. In this article, we show how to use opkg tool to manage the application package.

Package Management Tool

Frequently used tools:

Check installed packages: $opkg list-installed

Check the information of the installed package: $ opkg info packagename

Install or update the application package: $opkg install ./packagename.ipk

Remove the installed package: $opkg remove package

For more information about how to use opkg, we can run $opkg –help on the TIYcam.

Description of Packing

Run $./pkg-build test to pack the application.

The description of test directory:

├── ipkg-build # Script used to pack
└── test       #Example application to illustrate packing
    ├── CONTROL  # Directory of the information of the application 
    │  ├── conffiles #config files, the files listed by absolute path in this file will not be overwritten during update
    │  ├── control # Information of the application, the ones will be displayed when using $opkg info. Especially, 
                   #1. Architecture: arm. This must be same as the TIYcam. Use to command $opkg print-architecture to check on TIYCam.
                   #2. Depends: bas means the dependent application packages. The installation process will check the dependency. If there is no depended packages, the installation will fail or if the source has it, it will automatically install it. 
    │  ├── postinst #The script to be executed after installation. Normally it is a start command.
    │  ├── postrm #The script to be executed after remove. Normally it is empty or delete some intermediate files that are generated by the application. 
    │  ├── preinst #The script to be executed before installation. Normally it is empty.
    │  ├──prerm #The script to be executed before remove. Normally it is stopping services.
    ├── etc
    │ └── init.d
    │    └── S80test # The start script. Refer to implement start/stop/restart. Note start needs to run in background.
    └── usr
       └── bin #The binaries of the application needs to stay here
          └── test
       ├── lib #The dynamic libraries need to stay here
       └── share #The dependent files need to stay here within a subdirectory with packgename

Software Sources

The source configuration file is /etc/opkg/jesfeeds.conf. User can modify the source, and then use $opkg update to update the source. Users can also use $opkg upgrade to update all the installed packages to the latest version per the source.

Web Operations

On web portal [system>>software management], users can check, install, update and remove the packages.