Know CentOS7 IP address

LinkSprite Vision Sense VMS runs on Centos 7.9, and Centos minimal installation is recommended. After the bare minimal installation, and the first time reboot, we can use the command: to find out the IP address. We found that sometimes, the IP is not assigned by the router. We can use to manually obtain the IP[…]

POE Mini Dome Gun Detection Camera

LinkSprite begins to sell the first model of affordable consumer-level gun detection cameras. Empowered by a highly optimized object detection algorithm for an embedded device, we push all GPU/CPU-intensive computation to the edge device – the camera. As a result, we make our gun detection camera low cost, and affordable for individual customers. As far[…]

3D Structured Light Face Recognition Module

Linksprite 3D structured light face recognition module is based on proprietary state-of-art deep learning face recognition algorithm, integrated with 3D structured light camera and low power RISC-V control board with neural network acceleration unit. Using a high-precision structured light camera, the module can obtain the visible light (RGB), near infrared and depth images, implementing the[…]

Video Copy Detection Search Engine

With the rapid development of the internet, the network data is growing dramatically. Due to the popularity of internet-based video sharing, the number of video content has reached a very large scale. However, some pirates use the network platform to sell private videos for improper benefit; some users and groups use the network platform to[…]

7″ Anit-Robbery access control tablet

The Percepcam 7″ anti-robbery access control tablet is developed for convenience stores to prevent a robbery in the evening. The tablet is equipped with AI powered face detection, face cover detection, and anti-spoofing detection (to prevent to use a photo or cell phone to cheat the tablet). This tablet uses one RGB camera and one[…]