AI Powered Call Center Intelligence Accelerator

The Call Center Intelligence Accelerator drives huge cost saving in call center operations while improving call center efficiency & customer satisfaction. It uses Azure Speech, Azure Language and Azure OpenAI (GPT-3) services to analyze call center transcrips, extract and redact personally identifiable information (PII), summarize the transcription, and provides rich business insights that could be[…]

AI Blog

AnomalyGPT:Detecting Industrial Anomalies using LargeVision-Language Models Fine-tune Llama 2 in Google Colab Visual Studio Remote Development using SSH Visual Instruction Tuning: LLaVA: Large Language and Vision AssistantVisual Instruction Tuning GGML model format for Large Language Model OpenThaiGPT The Next Frontier For Large Language Models Is Biology How to Run Google Colab Locally: A Step-by-Step Guide[...]

Know CentOS7 IP address

LinkSprite Vision Sense VMS runs on Centos 7.9, and Centos minimal installation is recommended. After the bare minimal installation, and the first time reboot, we can use the command: to find out the IP address. We found that sometimes, the IP is not assigned by the router. We can use to manually obtain the IP[…]