December 21, 2020

Gun Detection Datasets

By downloading the LinkSprite gun detectiond dataset, the Receiving Entity agrees to:

1. Cite the following publication


author = “Delong Qi, and Weijun Tan, and Zhifu Liu, and Qi Yao, and Jingfeng Liu”,

title = “{A Dataset and System for Real-Time Gun Detection in Surveillance Video Using Deep Learning”,

Journal = {arXiv:2105.01058} ,

Year = {2020}


2. No further distribution of the data without express written permission from LinkSprite. Instead, third parties should apply for the data to LinkSprite directly.

3. Comply with the licensing terms stated below.

LinkSprite Gun Detection Dataset LICENSING
LinkSprite makes this Standard Reference Database available citing the attributions given in SOURCES.txt. LinkSprite understands the content has been made available under a Creative Commons variant. Should one or more samples be alternatively licensed then the owner or legal representative should contact LinkSprite via and identify particular images.

Users and prospective users of this database should:
a) note binding licensing terms at
b) understand that the Database is subject to change at any time
c) understand that the LinkSprite makes no guarantee or warranty of non-infringement

The dataset can be downloaded at this Google Drive link